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Join Mount Sinai for the Eighth Annual Endoscopic Middle Ear Surgery Dissection CME Course


Comprised of lectures, panel discussion and laboratory dissections of the temporal bone, Mount Sinai’s Endoscopic Middle Ear Surgery Course will cover endoscopic surgical techniques, equipment and instrumentation, anatomy and pathology of the temporal bone, surgical outcomes and future directions of endoscopic ear surgery. Course material and hands-on laboratory dissection will be appropriate for both novice and advanced endoscopic ear surgeons. For those unable to travel to New York City, this course also contains a virtual lecture component.

Friday, September 13, 7:30am- Saturday, September 14, 2:00pm

New York Eye and Ear Infirmary of Mount Sinai
310 East 14th Street
3rd Floor Conference Room and Buxton Lab
New York, NY

For more information and questions, email Helen LaMare at 

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